Can you feel it? The air is getting a little sharper and the pumpkin spice lattes have been released into the wild. Autumn is coming. And with it an incredible selection of books to read while we dig our sweaters out of storage. In publishing, fall is basically like Christmas. So I guess that makes us little Whos in Whoville decorating our chimneys and holding hands in song as we await the many treasures UPS will drop on our sidewalk.
Below we’ve collected a few of our favorite upcoming releases that we’ve been waiting all year for. See if anything inspires and delights! And feel free to click a pre-order button if it does. Preorders help authors in nearly every aspect of their work, which in turn gives us more good books in the long run! Da-hoo dores!
Broke: Hardship and Resilience in a City of Broken Promises by Jodie Adams Kirshner (releases Nov 19)
Kirshner writes about the machinations that put Detroit in economic freefall and the stories of the city’s most vulnerable. I cannot wait to get my hands on this one. (Danni)